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5 Creative Ways to Use On-Camera Flash Photography for Your Next Photo Shoot

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Flash Tips

As a portrait photographer with 20 years of experience, I have a lot of tips and tricks up my sleeve when it comes to using an on-camera flash. In this video, I'm going to share five creative ways to use an on-camera flash for your next photo shoot.

Bounce flash. Bounce flash is incredibly helpful for events or indoor shoots. When using direct flash, you usually don't get a flattering light pattern, but bounce flash can help. To use bounce flash, you need a flash that tilts and swivels, and you want to point it at a light-colored wall or ceiling at a 45-degree angle. This will bounce the light back at your subject and light their face.

Direct flash. Direct flash is all the rage right now, and it's a fun way to add some extra light to your shots. However, you need to have a pivotal head on your flash to make the most of it.

Shoe action. You can add some fun to your shots by using the flash in different ways. For example, try using it as a shoe action flash to light up a scene or add some extra light to your subject.

Seated shots. If you want to make your subject appear taller, try shooting them seated and using the flash to light them up.

Tricky lighting. There are so many creative ways to use an on-camera flash, like using it to light up a scene or add some extra light to your subject. Play around with different angles and settings to see what works best for you.

In conclusion, an on-camera flash is a versatile tool that can add a lot of creativity to your photo shoots. Whether you're using bounce flash, direct flash, shoe action, or tricky lighting, the possibilities are endless. Don't be afraid to experiment and have some fun!

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Vanessa has been photographing weddings, events, portraits and lifestyle for over 20 years.

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