Canon RF 50mm 1.8 Vs 1.2: Can YOU Tell the DIFFERENCE?! (Comparison and Review)

Hi there! I'm Vanessa Joy, a wedding portrait photographer. Today I want to compare two lenses that I've used: the RF 50mm 1.2 and the RF 50mm 1.8. I've been using the 1.2 version for a while now and only used the 1.8 for a short period of time while shooting a video for Adorama. However, I was still able to get a good sense of the differences between the two lenses.
I've got a lot of photos to show you, and I'll be using my smart glasses to walk you through them with my blue light filter, which isn't great for editing, but I've already added it. I've also created a single file with all the photos from both lenses so you can see the differences. All the photos marked in red were shot with the 1.2 and those marked in yellow were shot with the 1.8.
One of the things you might want to look at is the bouquet in the photos. You'll see that the bouquet is smooth and buttery in both lenses. But if you look closely, you'll see a bit more background blur in the 1.2 lens. Another thing to look at is backlit scenes. You'll notice more hazing in the 1.8 lens, which could be due to the light being more intense.
When it comes to the settings, I was at 1.8, 1600 ISO, and 100 on the shutter speed with the 1.8 lens. But with the 1.2 lens, I was at 400 and 2 versus 1.2. There's a difference in the cameras too, with the R6 being used on the 1.8 lens and the R5 on the 1.2 lens. I noticed a difference in sharpness and quality with the 1.2 lens, and I had an easier time finding the focus.
I hope this comparison was helpful for you! If you want to see the photos for yourself, be sure to download my free posing inspiration guide. You'll find the link in the description below.